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This is a fantastic product because it sweetens 1.5 times more than sugar and it only has 17.1 Glycemic index, which makes it safe for diabetic consumers. (Just for you to know, bee honey has more than 50 glycemic index)
It is highly soluble so it can be enjoyed in beverages, coffee, tea, pastries, fruit, etc.
This product is great also for people who care about their health, because it helps to prevent diabetes, heart problems, and keeps people in good shape, by reducing dramatically the amount of glucose consumed.
Our product is approved by the USA FDA. It has USDA - BCS-OKO Garantie Certificate of Organic, and Kosher for Jewish consumers.
Elaborated with Michel Montignac, writer of the Montignac Method.
Low GI products.
Elaborated with Michel Montignac, writer of the Montignac Method.
Low GI products.
We are a pioneer and market leader for Stevia products in Europe. It can already be applied to cosmetics, e.g. dental care products, in Europe.
2) ROYAL JELLY : Lyophilized, Conventional or ORGANIC* and NLP® *,
Chinese Origin
*NLP® = Nature Life Protect. CEVRAI is the legal Representative in Europe of the new NLP® Certification, based on Quality and Ethical production :
* certified by Ecocert (F32600)
(extract, pure extract paste for mixed liquids: spray, bulbs, syrup ...), dry powder for capsules, compression, bags ...
ORIGIN : France and Import
*NLP® = Nature Life Protect. CEVRAI is the legal Representative in Europe of the new NLP® Certification, based on Quality and Ethical production :
* certified by Ecocert (F32600).